Is your business in one of these local authority areas
Please select which of the following products your business sells:
Please complete the form below with details of the people who require access to the training (additional staff can be added as required).
Please note: we need individual e-mail addresses for all users.
Please remember to include your details on the form.
*Role must be set to Owner, Main Contact, Supervisor or Staff.
Owner – the owner of the business – the owner can be held liable for an age-restricted sale and should undertake training regarding their responsibilities. The owner has access to training data across all the stores in their business
Main Contact (if different from owner) – the main contact has access to training data across all stores in the business and is the main contact for the Toolkit.
Staff – member of staff that needs to undertake the training.
What happens next?
When we receive your form we will contact you to confirm whether there is a cost to subscribe, (please see our website for a list of Local Authority Trading Standards areas that provide this subscription to businesses free of charge).
We will then register your business and send all users an email with their login details.
Once you have added the first person’s details below please click the Add another member of staff button, you can continue to do this until you have added everyone, then please click submit application.
Member of staff - 1
There are required fields in this form marked .